The update is not specific for any niche or industry but is effecting all genre of domains. Google generally releases a number of updates each year, many of the algo updates are not much noticeable, while few can visibly impact your site. Many SEO Experts are ascertaining that the search behaviour for COVID-19 and related information may be one of the factors for the Algo update.

Who all are Impacted?

Early trends show that the websites which have high domain authority are less impacted by the update. The news websites are also not much affected by the Core update. While the websites which have an average DA are noticing rank drops for a number of keywords. Also, some dropped pages are getting ranking only for some specific search terms which earlier used to rank for a relevant generalised term. Webmasters are noticing rank drops from -10 to -15 while some even being dropped to 3rd or 4th page for the search term. To talk about the gainers, established websites with high backlink profile and high DA are going up in the ranking. It seems the update is more of getting trusted websites up in the ranking. Also, Google generally looks for the newer and latest content, many new websites which used to rank lower in search results seem to the gainers. Giving them an opportunity to take advantage of the high rankings. Also, websites which gain traffic from Google’s Discover are also getting impacted, positively and negatively. Websites with Thin Content – Content which do not resolve searchers query, seems to be one of the big losers.

Can Results Come Back to ‘Normal’?

It’s too early to say since the update is in progress and you may notice a number of ranking fluctuations every day. It takes one to two weeks time for the update to roll-out to all data centres globally. But it is very unusual for the ranking to come back to normal. Though Google may take search feedback and reverse the false positive, that is relevant pages which got ranking drops may be back on their original positions.

How to Fix the Site after Core Update?

You Cannot! Google says that the update is not intended to penalise any website but is to improve the search engine as a whole to meet users query. Peoples search behaviour changes and so are the search engines. Google says “There’s nothing wrong with pages that may perform less well in a core update. They haven’t violated our webmaster guidelines nor been subjected to manual or algorithmic action, as can happen to pages that do violate those guidelines”.  Google rather says to focus on content, writing high-quality content which meets readers demands and avoiding any black hat SEO techniques are important. Focus on ensuring you’re offering the best content you can, that’s what algorithms seek to reward.

What are Algorithm Sensors Detecting?


Semrush Sensors Noticed Volatility of 9.4 which is very high. Presently the Sensors are fluctuating at rapidly indicating a major page rank changes.

Rank Ranger

Grump SEO


Serpmetric Flux

Conclusion: Let’s hope the Google Core Update gives everyone something and has a lasting positive impact to encourage content developers to create quality content. If you’ve any thoughts on Google May 2020 Core Update | Impact and Analysis, then feel free to drop in below comment box. Also, please subscribe to our DigitBin YouTube channel for videos tutorials. Cheers!

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